Let’s Plan Your First Visit


We're so glad you've decided to visit Calvary for the first time! Below, you’ll find some quick information that will make your visit great.
First, let's get started by watching the 'Plan Your Visit' introduction video.




Church Center App

Once you're connected to Calvary through the app, you'll be able to find a Group, Request Prayer, Give Online, and even check in your kids at our Children's Ministry.



Welcome Center

Upon entering through the front doors, you'll first see our Welcome Center. This is the perfect place to start your visit. Stop by to say hello and let us quickly help you learn about everything you need to know while you're here.

We also would love to give you a complimentary copy of our God’s Promises book, which includes hand-picked verses from Pastor Dan that covers what the Bible tells us of God’s Blessings, Boldness, Comfort, Encouragement, Faithfulness, Love, Healing, Wisdom, Praise and Protection. A digital copy is also available here.



Calvary Cafe

Whether you're visiting on Saturday evening or Sunday morning, the Calvary Cafe is a must-stop. Pick up a cold bottle of water, fountain drink, or order a specialty coffee – and don't forget the donuts and fresh-baked cookies – all complimentary!



Have questions before you visit?
Email Pastor Drew at: drewd@calvarychurchfl.com